Dr. Chris Arridge (Lancaster University) talks about "the development of Ikuchi, an open source web tool using the Three.js library for viewing the 3D geometry of planetary magnetospheres.ā
Should we have any questions for the speaker, or anybody within the planetary science community who might be able to answer you, please ask below; or share any useful resources related to the topic.
Hi, that seem a good project.
Maybe it could be useful to know that I used X3DOM for the first version of MATISSE, but now Iām using vtk.js, that allows me to generate a single file for both web visualization and offline use (with Paraview).
I also noted that you thought of this project also for exoplanets and I have a 3D webtool for exosystem, named ExoplAn3T (https://tools.ssdc.asi.it/exoplanet). Maybe we could think of working together in this field?
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