The Austrian Space Weather Office (ASWO) is newly founded in September 2022 as part of the GeoSphere Austria, the Federal Institute for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology. Our goal is to improve the prediction of the solar wind. To this end, we are pursuing basic research in the field of space physics, in particular by combining physical models with space probe data. However, we are also working on the direct implementation of research results in operational models, in particular with the help of artificial intelligence methods. Our methods are already being geared towards using data from the future ESA Vigil mission, which will launch in the late 2020s and will provide a permanent space weather station at the Sun-Earth L5 point.
At the moment data from the Heliospheric Imager instruments is in real time only available in limited quality. With the help of machine learning, as part of a stand-alone project, this data is now to be processed in such a way that our forecast models can use it to predict the arrival of solar storms.
We are seeking for a postdoc with skills in machine learning and/or computer vision to accomplish these project goals. For more information on our group, please visit:
For more information on the vacant position, please visit: Stellenbeschreibung