overview of open source 3d geo-modelling tools.
See: https://github.com/openplanetary/vespamap19tutorials/tree/master/3d_data_modeling
overview of open source 3d geo-modelling tools.
See: https://github.com/openplanetary/vespamap19tutorials/tree/master/3d_data_modeling
Hi Angelo.
I am looking into a 3D tool that can handle irregular objects (such as asteroids) and the ability to project data on it. I am sure that this has been mastered by people like you for asteroids and comets. I want to apply this to electrophysiology measurements of the human heart and I am using mostly Python to deal with the data. Can you point me in a direction where to look? Thanks so much for your time and attention. Maarten
Hi Marteen, thanks for posting here.
Would this tool help? http://sbmt.jhuapl.edu
Salut Nicolas.
Thanks a lot for your reply! I appreciate it.
I am going to check out the link.
Bien amicalement
Hello Maarten,
if you are interested in the small bodies-related methods you can have a look also at
the classical way of doing this kind of processing in the community often consist in writing you own code. Starting from navigation data etc.
Could you post some more information on what you really need? it is no clear what you mean by “project data on it”.
I am asking because the word “projection” sounds related to imagery from cameras that you would like to use for texturing 3D models. unfortunately this is a very complex subject comprising camera projections models and calibrations etc, for which you need camera’s positions etc.
Medical sciences have a lot of very good data processing and visualization toolkits, often with python wrappings. Have a look at:
Learning VTK it is worth the effort, for the wide use that can be applied everywhere.
If you need to collect data by hand picking lines or points on a 3D model CloudCompare might be useful.
Hi Luca.
Thanks so much for your reply!! I am checking out the link.
What we want to project is more simple than an image taken by another apparatus.
During open heart surgery, measurements of the electric conduction of the heart are taken by placing a (small-ish) electrode array on different locations on the heart. These locations are pre-defined, but the actual precise location varies of course as a function of the actual heart size and exact shape.
Anyway, we get a set of voltage levels (or derived values) as a function of time and location. We want to be able to project these data on a generic average 3D heart model on the predefined (though approximate) location, and combine with projecting several such measurements on different locations (and yes, slightly different times).
So, we are looking into what methods and tools are available that are flexible and allow us to have full control of what we are doing, and ideally using Python (as all our analysis flow is done with Python).
Hope that makes is somewhat more clear.
Thanks a lot for your time, I appreciate it!
thanks for the info. I am pretty sure you can find what you need from kitware:
this looks interesting for your case:
let us know if you need any further help on this