Topics to cover for PlantaryPy
- What is PlanetaryPy
- Initial stages, starting slow
- add packages as we go
- No defined scope yet.
- plan to follow (loosely following AstroPy)
- Try not to have completely “surface” only tilt.
- News on GitHub
- “We” have the name. Done.
- Open Planetary project? (following OSGeo)
- Further discussion for legal issues and other considerations
- Has methods for funding (as a non-profit). There are European and US arms.
- Committee (following TSC):
- Still new for TSC (above), group of users to provide input.
- Renamed to Planetary Software Technical Committee (PSTC) to have broader scope across the community. Help to bring in potentially abandoned projects (e.g. students leaving the community).
- This group PTSC might be able to cover PlanetaryPy
- Which packages (e.g. PlanetaryImage, PVL, PLIO, SpiceyPy). Suggestions:
- PySIS (Kalasiris,
- SETI/PDS-Tools (available now)
- SETI/ Oops ? (not yet available)
- AutoCNET ?
- PyHat (spectral)
- CSM (sensor models)
- PDS_View ?
- Immediate Needs
- Is a PDART going in. Software proposals are currently tough
- Survey: Look here and will be advertised here Wed/Thurs (also on PEN email).
- Future Needs
- Understand leveraging other languages
- Funding to maintain and support the (testing, install, licenses, …)
- Members
- PSTC maybe (above)?
- Audience
- Researchers/technical users
- Data producers
- (missions…)
- Commercial
- Cloud processing
- PDS/PSA (help to maintain, also contribute)