The OpenPlanetary Maps

Hello Openplanetary,

While working with the javascript leaflet software I found that using the OpenPlanetary basemaps results in 403 errors (Forbidden). I wondered if the basemaps are still available for public use?


Hello Rob,

The OpenPlanetary basemaps are still available for public use. You can find them here: I have noticed any 403 errors (Forbidden). Which one in particular are you trying to use?


Thank you for the reply! I’m especially interested in the maps for planet Mars.
From the openplanetary basemaps of Mars, the “OPM Mars Basemap v0.2” is the only one that works for me. All others result in Access Denied errors so probably I do something wrong. It’s not a problem for me since I found a Hirise image server that works nicely but I thought to report anyway.