Curated list of known community projects

This is a placeholder for a curated list of known community projects. We would like to increase awareness and to provide support to these projects through the use of the OpenPlanetary Forum (whenever deemed useful and not redundant).

PLEASE feel free to suggest a community project in the comments below (or edit the post directly if you have permission to).

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thanks @fcalef for this first contribution! I didn’t know the existence of the Multi-Mission Geographic Information System, A Spatial Data Infrastructure for Planetary Missions, that is pretty interesting!
Is it a funded project? I guess so.

Thanks! It’s a funded NASA project that’s been open sourced. Right now, we’re mostly funded via three active missions (MSL, InSight, Mars2020), though because it’s an active tool in the NASA AMMOS catalogue, it gets support for maintenance, bug fixes, and user support. We’re excited to release it to the community and hopefully get feedback and additions/modifications. Here’s an abstract from the 4th Planetary Data Workshop describing its capabilities:


I just posted inline some of the newly open sourced PDS software. We are definitely open to community input.

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The PDS Tools Registry:

is also a collection of planetary science tools that folks should be aware of.

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Absolutely right @rbeyer and it’s also interesting to see that we all have different understanding of ‘community project’.

By ‘community project’, I meant a project that is initiated and developed by one or several people independently of any institutions. Open-source and collaborative of course, as much as possible. Most of the time not funded.

Could the PDS Tools Registry actually be the way to go if we collectively want to register tools and resources (instead of this curated list)? (a topic that may interest and @thare?)

A friend who was in my lab in undergrad developed this code for working with crater-focused datasets:


Here’s my Mars Explorer tool, originally intended to help amateur astronomers and planetary photographers identify features in their eyepieces or images. Uses Google Mars features catalog to display information about most named features, plus links and thumbnails for many. Now coordinating with Matt Brealey to integrate links to Areobrowser featured high-res models.


Hi @nmanaud , I recently developed and released a package called Space Packet Parser. It’s a generically configurable CCSDS telemetry packet parser that uses the CCSDS XTCE standard as its configuration. This library has LASP heritage and is being used on half a dozen LASP projects already.

Github: GitHub - medley56/space_packet_parser: A CCSDS telemetry packet decoding library based on the XTCE packet format description standard.
ReadTheDocs: Space Packet Parser Documentation — space_packet_parser documentation
It’s also on PyPI and Zenodo but discourse won’t let me post the links since I’m new.


Thanks for sharing @medley56 :+1:t4: