This post describe the basics on the usage of the OpenPlanetary Forum (Discourse) for the GMAP/PLANMAP Winter School on Geology and Planetary Mapping.
Each hands-on activity has a topic in which topics touched within the school can be discussed.
You can freely register to the OP Forum from its homepage (upper right).
You can pose questions (and provide answers) within the topic of each hands-on, e.g.
And so on. All available topics are listed on the main Winter School category page.
If needed and not covered by existing topic (i.e. hands-on sessions), you can start a new topic. Please make sure to use appropriate tags.
For more information on the OP Forum please refer to
The program of the Winter School is available on Geology & Planetary Mapping Winter School Program
Please look at the FAQ of the OpenPlanetary forum.
In case of questions, please tag @aprossi @luca.penasa @afrigeri @Riccardo_Pozzobon