Welcome to the OpenPlanetary Forum

Welcome to the OpenPlanetary Forum, a place for planetary data users and software developers to find help, share and discuss data, tools and resources.

The OpenPlanetary forum is primarily intended for research professionals and students across all planetary science disciplines and communities, and is also opened to scientific communicators, educators and amateurs.

Regardless of our skills and knowledge, we always have something to learn and share. We encourage you to ask questions or share any resources related to planetary data, tools and services.

  • Get Help: Should it be a question about a certain dataset, tool or technology you’re using, please feel free to ask the community for help. Remember: there are no stupid questions!

  • Share Resources: Should it be a short tip, a handy how-to or a list of curated resources, please feel free to share what you know and can be useful to the community.

Should you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve this forum, please post in the Forum Feedback category.

OpenPlanetary is a non-profit organisation, whose the mission is to promote and facilitate the open practice of planetary science and data analysis for professionals and amateurs. We run this forum, organise training events and support community projects aimed at creating scientific, technical and educational resources, tools and data accessible to all. Learn more about OpenPlanetary.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Question on Kernels

A post was merged into an existing topic: Question on Kernels