I have been recently experiencing issues with the spiceinit ISIS routine when trying to attach kernels to cubes. Specifically I am talking about MRO CTX cubes. It seems that, after creating cubes with mroctx2isis the spiceinit (both with web=true and with kernels on local machine) returns a record in which Instrument = Null
here below is an example related to a CTX image:
Group = Kernels
NaifFrameCode = -74021
LeapSecond = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls
TargetAttitudeShape = $base/kernels/pck/pck00009.tpc
TargetPosition = ($base/kernels/spk/de430.bsp,
InstrumentPointing = ($mro/kernels/ck/mro_sc_psp_070710_070716.bc,
Instrument = Null
SpacecraftClock = $mro/kernels/sclk/MRO_SCLKSCET.00083.65536.tsc
InstrumentPosition = $mro/kernels/spk/mro_psp4_ssd_mro110c.bsp
InstrumentAddendum = $mro/kernels/iak/mroctxAddendum005.ti
ShapeModel = $base/dems/molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0005.cub
InstrumentPositionQuality = Reconstructed
InstrumentPointingQuality = Reconstructed
CameraVersion = 1
This creates subsequent problems, for example when trying stereo with ASP. It seems a common issue that has also a specific thread here
I tried both conda-based ISIS as well as legacy installations with ASP versions from 2.5.2 to 2.6.2.
I get always the same Null field. Any clues of what is happening or workarounds?